Trata-se de um projeto de continuidade no Agrupamento de Colmeias, para fomentar a leitura por associação às Artes!
domingo, 26 de junho de 2011
terça-feira, 14 de junho de 2011
quarta-feira, 8 de junho de 2011
Finalíssima Colmeias_Marrazes

aLer+ e em conjunto
Só posso fazer minhas as palavras que nos chegam de Marrazes, referindo o recurso às novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação:
"Já aconteceu a esperada final do Concurso de Provérbios entre os alunos dos Agrupamentos de Marrazes e das Colmeias. Foi uma experiência inovadora, já que esta final juntou alunos de agrupamentos diferentes e decorreu por videoconferência. E foi uma final extremamente disputada. Os concorrentes terminaram empatados e, mesmo depois do recurso ao desempate, o empate persistiu. Por isso vai haver prémios para todos.
Sem prémio mas com um aplauso merecido, a intervenção dos Coordenadores das Bibliotecas dos dois Agrupamentos e o trabalho incansável das Animadoras Mara e Patrícia.
Eis os vencedores:
Pelo Agrupamento das Colmeias:- Carla Custódio do 8ºA e Francisco Ramos do 6ºA
Pelo Agrupamento de Marrazes: -Bruna Vala do 6ºC e Maycon Santos do 7ºA"
sexta-feira, 3 de junho de 2011
Story Colmeias - London updated (história conjunta actualizada)
Everyone has a secret…
It’s a regular day, in a regular school, with regular students… It’s Friday afternoon, 4 o´clock and James is bored, as usual, listening to his History teacher. James loves being sat next to the window, looking at the clouds and dreaming about meeting his band late at night. A band!!! It’s every boy’s dream, but this one is not an average band.
Riiiiiiing!!! Finally the bell rings. James rushes to take the bus home, as soon as he gets home, he throws his bag to the floor, he doesn’t care about homework or studying. He looks at his clock, it’s time to grab his mask, he gets his “crazy” guitar and dresses in his funky clothes.
He never wants to perform to anyone, he is going to perform alone. He grabs his bag and leaves the house, leaving the key under the flowerpot on the way out. He takes out his guitar, strings some notes and hums away to a magical tune. The sound can be heard far away down the street. He always feels nervous until he is strumming the guitar. This is the sound of the world, the world behind the shadows and behind the silence.
James imagines himself in a concert hall as he walks along, playing his guitar…He looks around the concert hall. He glances at his band members. Petrified! Hands sweating, hands shaking, hands slowly moving to the strings. A bus roars past and he imagines it is the roaring of the crowds cheering for him. He sits in the park and plays his guitar. The scream of children playing in a nearby playground brings him back to reality.
As he comes back to reality he listens to the sound of drums, he doesn’t know where it comes from but he follows it. James catches the rhythm of drums with his guitar and someone that’s walking behind him starts singing. He finally finds the drummer and there was also a boy playing the saxophone. Is it a band? A band with two musicians? Is it enough to form a band? He gets confused, surprised but also excited.
The musicians look like homeless, they have a few coins in an old box and James is staring at them. “Hum, I think I know this song, it might be… Mozart or…Frank Sinatra or… I know! I know! It’s “The Song of Joy” by Beethoven! Oh God I love this song, let me play with them.”
He puts some money into their hat and asks, “Do you have a spare instrument, Dude?!” The two men who are playing the instruments pass him a guitar and he joins in with their playing. At first he does not know which chords to play but he slowly picks it up. The band members look at each other and smile.
The sun is shining on them and people walk by and start putting in loads of money to the hat. Many children stand and listen and one of them starts to dance to the music. This makes other people join in. James’ dream continues, perhaps he could be part of a band after all.
They stopped playing and the audience asked them to take off their masks, and… what a surprise!!! The History teacher was the drummer! Just great! Sally, the most fashionable and beautiful girl of the school is the bass guitarist. She is James’ s passion, and now he is delighted, staring at her.
Sally started to blush, she knew James likes her a lot and a little ashamed she ran away to school. The History teacher talked to James for a while and explains him that being a teacher is not the only thing he does, he loves music as well as James does. James started to realize that the History teacher might be an interesting person and he decided to change his attitudes in his classes.
It’s a regular day, in a regular school, with regular students… It’s Friday afternoon, 4 o´clock and James is bored, as usual, listening to his History teacher. James loves being sat next to the window, looking at the clouds and dreaming about meeting his band late at night. A band!!! It’s every boy’s dream, but this one is not an average band.
Riiiiiiing!!! Finally the bell rings. James rushes to take the bus home, as soon as he gets home, he throws his bag to the floor, he doesn’t care about homework or studying. He looks at his clock, it’s time to grab his mask, he gets his “crazy” guitar and dresses in his funky clothes.
He never wants to perform to anyone, he is going to perform alone. He grabs his bag and leaves the house, leaving the key under the flowerpot on the way out. He takes out his guitar, strings some notes and hums away to a magical tune. The sound can be heard far away down the street. He always feels nervous until he is strumming the guitar. This is the sound of the world, the world behind the shadows and behind the silence.
James imagines himself in a concert hall as he walks along, playing his guitar…He looks around the concert hall. He glances at his band members. Petrified! Hands sweating, hands shaking, hands slowly moving to the strings. A bus roars past and he imagines it is the roaring of the crowds cheering for him. He sits in the park and plays his guitar. The scream of children playing in a nearby playground brings him back to reality.
As he comes back to reality he listens to the sound of drums, he doesn’t know where it comes from but he follows it. James catches the rhythm of drums with his guitar and someone that’s walking behind him starts singing. He finally finds the drummer and there was also a boy playing the saxophone. Is it a band? A band with two musicians? Is it enough to form a band? He gets confused, surprised but also excited.
The musicians look like homeless, they have a few coins in an old box and James is staring at them. “Hum, I think I know this song, it might be… Mozart or…Frank Sinatra or… I know! I know! It’s “The Song of Joy” by Beethoven! Oh God I love this song, let me play with them.”
He puts some money into their hat and asks, “Do you have a spare instrument, Dude?!” The two men who are playing the instruments pass him a guitar and he joins in with their playing. At first he does not know which chords to play but he slowly picks it up. The band members look at each other and smile.
The sun is shining on them and people walk by and start putting in loads of money to the hat. Many children stand and listen and one of them starts to dance to the music. This makes other people join in. James’ dream continues, perhaps he could be part of a band after all.
They stopped playing and the audience asked them to take off their masks, and… what a surprise!!! The History teacher was the drummer! Just great! Sally, the most fashionable and beautiful girl of the school is the bass guitarist. She is James’ s passion, and now he is delighted, staring at her.
Sally started to blush, she knew James likes her a lot and a little ashamed she ran away to school. The History teacher talked to James for a while and explains him that being a teacher is not the only thing he does, he loves music as well as James does. James started to realize that the History teacher might be an interesting person and he decided to change his attitudes in his classes.
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